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Terms & Condition

Terms and Conditions

by continuing to access and use this website/mobile application you confirm that you accept our terms and conditions of use set out below. if you do not accept the terms and conditions, you must leave this website/mobile application.

  1. website and the mobile application is owned and provided by Alphonic India Private limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1994. If you need any information or have a complaint about this website/mobile application or any of our services please contact us by one of the following methods:
    Phone:  +91-98998-84818
  2. Alphonic India Private limited services are rendered either from its own licensed premises or from the licensed premises of its associates / network pharmacies which are undertaken under strict supervision of the qualified and registered pharmacists. All pharmacists are bound by codes of professional ethics and conduct.
  3. Your privacy and that of any other person whose information you provide to us is important to us. Please see our privacy policy for details of what information we collect and how we will use and protect it.
  4. By registering and using the services you agree that you are eighteen years or above and you are not debarred by any law to contract and you agree to have read and accepted the terms and conditions provided herein 
    Visitors to this website/mobile application are required to register in order to use its facilities/ services. We are not under any obligation to accept a request for registration and reserve the right to suspend or terminate access at any time if your continued use is believed to prejudice us or other users. By registering to use this website /mobile application you confirm that the information you provide during the registration process is accurate and complete. You agree to update your registration details promptly if there are any changes. All registration information you provide will be kept secure and processed in accordance with our privacy policy.
  5. During the registration process, you may be allocated, or invited to choose, your own username and provide phone number. You are responsible for keeping your username and phone number confidential and for ensuring that they are not used by any other person.
  6. Alphonic India Private limited and other third parties with whom we have a business relationship may occasionally promote their goods or services on the website or mobile application or through other direct marketing initiatives or may make software and other materials available for you to purchase or download. Whilst we try to encourage third parties to offer good quality products, and services and materials at competitive prices we have no control over them or other third parties, we do not endorse the products or services they offer, or give you any assurance that they will be suitable for your needs. It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself in this regard and we have no liability in connection with the same. All promotions are for limited period and subject to special terms and conditions, which are in addition and not to the terms and condition stated herein.
  7. This website or mobile application, the materials and software on it, or provided to you through it are protected by copyright, trade mark and other intellectual property rights and laws throughout the world and are owned by, or are licensed to Alphonic India Private limited and/or third parties. You are permitted to display the materials on this mobile application on a computer screen/mobile screen and, save for restricted access documents, to download and print a hard copy for your personal use or for obtaining products or services from us provided you do not alter or remove any of the content or any part of the website/mobile application without our express permission to do so and that you do not change or delete any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary notices.
  8. Copy, reproduce, store (in any medium or format), distribute, transmit, modify, create derivate works from all or any part of this website/mobile application or the materials or software on it, or provided to you through it without our prior written consent (which may be given or withheld in our absolute discretion)
    use this website/mobile application or any of the materials or software on it, or provided to you through it, for:

    1. any unlawful purpose or in contravention of applicable law
    2. commercial exploitation without our prior written consent
    3. any purpose or in any manner that may give a false or misleading impression of us, our staff or our services use, upload or transmit
    4. any material that is defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise unlawful, or which may cause offence or distress, or which may affect or infringe the rights of any other person
    5. any device, software, file or mechanism which may interfere with the proper operation of this website or our systems

establish a link to this mobile application from any other website, intranet or extranet site without our prior written consent.
decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer (or attempt to do any of them) any of the software or other materials provided on or through this website/mobile application
do anything that may interfere with or disrupt this website/mobile application or our service
encourage or permit others to do any of the above

In the event that you do not comply with the above restrictions, any person affected by your actions may bring a claim against you and/or Alphonic India Private limited. We will pursue a claim against you for any losses and costs (including legal costs) we may suffer as a result of your actions.

  1. We do not give any assurance that the materials provided or available to you on or through this website/mobile application are suitable for your requirements or that they will be secure, error or virus free and we will have no liability in respect of those materials.
  2. This mobile application is provided free of charge and we make no guarantee that it will be uninterrupted or error free. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or withdraw the whole or any part of the website/mobile application or any of its content at any time without notice and without incurring any liability.
  3. We may, from time to time, provide links from this mobile application to other websites that are owned and controlled by third parties. These links are provided only for your convenience and we have no control over and will have no liability in respect of those websites.
  4. From time-to-time our site requests information from users via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys, contests or referrals programs is completely voluntary and the user therefore, you have a choice whether or not to disclose any information requested. Information requested may include contact information (such as name and delivery address), and demographic information (such as postcode, age level). Contact information will be used to notify the winners and award prizes. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the functionality of the site. The terms and conditions for each survey and contest may differ or otherwise amended and cancelled at the sole discretion of Alphonic India Private limited.
  5. We may monitor activity and content on this website/mobile application and may take any action we consider appropriate if we suspect you may be in breach of these Terms and Conditions including suspending, attaching conditions to or terminating your access and/or notifying the authorities or relevant regulators of your activities.
  6. We employ security technology as detailed in our privacy policy however, Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure and there is a risk, therefore, that any message or information you send to us from this website may be intercepted and potentially read by others. We will have no liability in respect of any transmissions you send to us and you do so entirely at your own risk.
  7. We take care to ensure that all information available on our website/mobile application about our business, services and any products mentioned is accurate. However, these are continually developing and, occasionally, the information may be out of date. Medical, commercial and legal practice change frequently and the content on this website/mobile application, in of any newsletters and in other items offering guidance have been prepared for general interest only and are not a substitute for specific medical, legal or other professional advice and should not be read or used as such. For accurate up-to-date information you should contact us and/or your doctor directly.
  8. Alphonic india private limited does not warrant or represent that the material on this website/mobile application is accurate, complete or current or that the website will be free of defects or viruses. nothing contained in the pages of this website/mobile application should be construed as medical, commercial, legal or other professional advice. detailed professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from any action based on any of the information or material contained in this website/mobile application or any communications provided to you as a result of your registration.
  9. We will not be liable for any loss or damage (in contract, negligence or otherwise) where:
    1. there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed to you by us;
    2. the loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach; or
    3. any loss or damage or increase in loss or damage results from a breach by you of these terms and conditions.the maximum liabiity of alphonic india private limited shall be limited to the cost of the products purchased or servies availed by the customer, alphonic India private limited or its directors shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential or other damages caused to the user
  10. nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to nor shall it confer a benefit on any third party under the contracts and a person who is not a party to these terms and conditions has no rights to enforce them.
  11. no delay or decision not to enforce rights under these terms and conditions will constitute a waiver of the right to do so and will not affect rights in relation to any subsequent breach.
  12. we reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. the new version will be posted on this website/mobile application and will take effect immediately upon posting.
    if you use the website/mobile application after the new terms and conditions have come into effect, you will be indicating your agreement to be bound by the new terms and conditions.
  13. the following terms apply to your use of the alphonic india private limited prescription ordering service. these are additional to and supplement our general website/mobile application terms and conditions which also apply.
    if you have any questions concerning the service, please contact us.
  14. If the prescription is of a person other than yourself, you will need to have the authority of the person whose prescription it is to have it dispensed by us. By placing an order to dispense another person’s prescription you confirm that you have their authority to do so.
  15. We only accept Prescription Orders from customers who are 18 years old or over although they may order prescriptions for persons who are under 18. By placing an order, you confirm that you are at least 18 and legally eligible to contract.
  16. We accept Orders from and dispatch orders to addresses in selected locations in Noida.
  17. No Order placed by you will be binding on us until we have confirmed the order to you by phone, email or in writing. We reserve the right to reject any order. All orders are delivered subject to receipt of valid prescription and availability except which does not require prescription according to Noida Government law.
  18. When we receive an original prescription from you, our pharmacist will verify it against the information provided to us at the time the order was placed. In the event that the information does not match with your original order as per the prescription, we may try to contact you using the information in your registration. If we cannot contact you and we are unable to dispense the item(s) on your Prescription Order we reserve the right to return your prescription to you.
  19. If you place a Prescription Order and we do not receive the relevant original prescription, we will not have any liability to you and it will be your responsibility to contact us within 7 days regarding your prescription order.
  20. Validation of prescription services through our partner Registered Medical Practitioner shall be made available to the User only upon request of the User and in the following situations:
    1. The existing prescription has expired and the User is unable to get an appointment with his Registered Medical Practitioner; or
    2. The prescription is not legible and the prescribing Registered Medical Practitioner is unavailable to validate the prescription; or
    3. If the prescription contains schedule X drugs / unusual quantities.

The User understands and agrees that the validation of prescription services provided herein are only on request and are intended for general purpose only and should not be used in case of medical emergencies and serious illness issue where physical consultation is recommended and at no point these services are intended to replace the physical consultation. The User also agrees and understands that for providing the validation of prescription service Alphonic India Private limited will have to share the prescription with its partner Registered Medical Practitioner and by requesting the services the User confirms its consent to share his/her prescription with Alphonic India Private limited's partner Registered Medical Practitioner. Upon the request of the User, the prescription of the User shall be shared with Alphonic India Private limited's partner Registered Medical Practitioner and post consultation or review of the prescription, if the Registered Medical Practitioner deems fit, he/she may validate the prescription shared with him/her of the User. However, at all time the Registered Medical Practitioner has the discretion to refuse consultation or validation of the prescription if the Registered Medical Practitioner is of the opinion that a physical consultation is required before a prescription is validated.
User agrees that the Registered Medical Practitioner will use the technology of Alphonic India Private limited for rendering the above services and they share the information with Alphonic India Private limited of its affiliated partners for rendering the services.

  1. By downloading, registering and accepting the terms and conditions, User can book appointment with a registered Medical practitioner (Physician) and discuss their health-related issues, opinion on the diagnostic reports, obtain e-prescription for their medical needs and avail other healthcare services. E-Consultation can be provided by teleconsultation, video conferencing or otherwise in other media that Alphonic India Private limited may at its sole discretion provide the options to the User based on the availability of the Physicians. Please note that E-Consultation services are provided at the express consent by the User and the same shall not be construed as a replacement for physical consultation. User is warned not to use E-Consultation Services in times of emergency and any medical Services that require further diagnostics and physical inspection.
  2. User agrees that E-Consultation is not a substitute for physical consultation and the Services are meant for general consultation only. If after the E-consultation, the Physician recommends any diagnostic tests to be undertaken or issues a Prescription, the same are provided based on the information and preliminary examination by the Physician, hence the same shall not be treated as accurate, final and conclusive. Physician reserves their rights to modify the prescription or recommended diagnostic tests if the User provides any additional information in future consultation. While rendering E-Consultation, Physician will require to know the age, sex, previous and existing health conditions, symptoms, past medical history, physical examination (if directed by the Physician) etc. All the information with respect to the User History, consultation records, medical record and prescriptions issued by the Physician will be saved with Alphonic India Private limited and the same may be used for rendering Services as may be required by the User for time to time. Services offered by Alphonic India Private limited are intended for direct use of the User or their family members, but the same cannot be used for rendering Services to third parties. Alphonic India Private limited acts as an intermediary to provide technology and applications to connect the User and the Physician on one platform and does not endorse, recommend or authorize the action of any Physician. Any claims or liabilities arising from the use of the Services between the User and the Physician shall be resolved directly by User and the Physician, Alphonic India Private limited disclaims all liabilities arising from use of the Services by the User and the maximum liability of Alphonic India Private limited to the User shall be limited to the Service Fees paid by the User to Alphonic India Private limited.
  3. Before booking a consultation, User shall ensure that the language in which the User prefer the consultation is available in the Services. User does not have the ability to choose a Physician of his/her choice. Alphonic India Private limited will direct the request for E-consultation to the Physician available in the specialized subject. Alphonic India Private limited does not endorse of refer any doctor for E-consultation, during the process User has the choice to either proceed with the Consultation or withdraw from the Services. Acceptance of the Terms and Condition and booking an appointment by the User, entitles Alphonic India Private limited to unconditionally store and share all the information of User with the Physician and store such information and/or conversation of the User with Alphonic India Private limited or the Physician. All the information stored by Alphonic India Private limited will be secured and maintained in compliance with the laws applicable in Noida.
  4. In any event if the User is unable to avail the E-Consultation Services from the Physician or if the User wishes to cancel the appointment, User shall be entitled to do so by choosing the respective option in the App. If User does not avail the Services or cancels the E-Consultation, the Services Fees will be refunded to the User as per the Refund Policy in the same manner of payment in which the User has paid the Service Fees. However, if the User refuses to take the call when the Physician call the User or cancels the appointment one hour before the scheduled time, the User will not be entitled for any refund. Any issued with regard to payments made, refunds claimed or otherwise error in the transactions shall be reported to or call the customer care at 01810-117100
  5. User shall make the necessary payments using the various payment options as per the fees applicable and charged by the respective Physician. Upon receipt of the payment from the User, Alphonic India Private limited will schedule the appointment with a qualified Physician and send a confirmation by app notification, SMS or email.
  6. The User understands and agrees Alphonic India Private limited is providing a technology service as an intermediary and that all the services are provided to the User directly by the Registered Medical Practitioner with regard to any health issues, consultation, validation, unsatisfactory services etc. availed by the User under the above mentioned clause services are between the User and the Registered Medical Practitioner and that at no point in time Alphonic India Private limited shall be held responsible for the same. Further, notwithstanding anything contained herein, Alphonic India Private limited shall not be liable for:
    1. any medical negligence, prescription of any wrong medication or treatment on part of the Registered Medical Practitioner;
    2. any type of inconvenience suffered by the User due to a failure on the part of the Registered Medical Practitioner in providing the agreed services or to make himself/herself available at the appointed time, inappropriate treatment, or similar difficulties;
    3. any misconduct or inappropriate behavior by the Registered Medical Practitioner;
    4. cancellation or rescheduling of booked appointment;
    5. any medical eventualities that might occur subsequent to using the services of the Registered Medical Practitioner.
  1. Under the subscription model, User can subscribe for his/her/its medicine requirement by choosing a subscription plan that best suit the User's need and the User can customize the same according to the User's requirement. All orders under the subscription plan shall be automatically placed in accordance with the chosen subscription plan. All orders under the subscription model shall be subject to all the other applicable terms and conditions mentioned herein along with all statutory requirements for processing an order.
  2. Any ongoing offer or promotional scheme cannot be clubbed with the orders placed under the subscription plan. All orders under the subscription plan shall be processed based on the standard discount and promotional scheme available at the time of processing any order under the subscription plan. Alphonic India Private limited shall have the sole discretion to decide with regard to the offers or scheme that shall be applicable to the orders placed under the subscription plans.
  3. If any of the items on your prescription are not available, or are not suitable for dispensing through this service, we will try to contact you using the information in your registration to inform you about the same.
  4. Prescription items can only be dispensed once we have received your original paper prescription or online prescription from Alphonic India Private limited registered doctor. All items are delivered to the address provided by you in your registration or to an alternative address if directed by you. You acknowledge and accept that items will need to be signed for on delivery and authorize any person at your chosen delivery address to sign for the items as your authorized representative. In the event that the packaging is opened after delivery, we will have no liability to you for lost or damaged items or for what third parties find out about you as a result.
  5. Alphonic India Private limited makes no warranty that: (i) the application will meet your requirements; (ii) the application will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis; (iii) the any results that may be obtained from the use of the application or any services offered through the Website will be accurate or reliable (iv) Alphonic India Private limited disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information.
    Alphonic India Private limited disclaims all liabilities arising from manufacturing defects and the claims if any with regard to defect in manufacturing or otherwise shall be made directly on the manufacturer whose information in provided on the product. Alphonic India Private limited may at its sole discretion assist User in providing any information that may be required with regard to the claim.
  6. Placement of an order either directly (in case of a repeat order or continuous drug administration as prescribed) shall constitute an agreement with us. All orders are subject to acceptance and confirmation of delivery date and time. Mere receipt of the prescription or an order either directly from you or from the registered medical practitioner does not amount to acceptance of your order nor guarantee that the drugs will be delivered as per your requirement within a specific time. All orders are subject to availability of stocks. Alphonic India Private limited reserves the right to share your prescription with its associated pharmacies for fulfilling your prescription, who will dispense the drugs as per the prescription and issue a valid sale receipt.
  7. All orders made by the customers shall be subject to various laws, including Drugs and Cosmetics Act (as may be amended from time to time). We do not accept orders for certain drugs and cosmetics, unless the same is prescribed by the registered medical practitioner licensed by the Medical Counsel of Noida. We do not verify the authenticity of the orders placed by you, where the prescriptions are received directly from a registered medical practitioner licensed by the Medical Counsel of Noida or your family doctor, who has placed the order on your behalf after your authorization. All drugs and cosmetics will be delivering through a delivery agent without disclosing your personal information or prescriptions in compliance with the applicable laws either directly to the patient or its authorized person. On delivery Alphonic India Private limited shall be entitled to full payment for the same.
  8. You agree that the prices mentioned on our website or mobile app are approximate estimates of the actual/exact price of the drugs. The actual/exact price of the drug will depend upon its batch number and will be mentioned in the invoice dispatched to you along with your order. In case a pre-payment has been made by you basis the price estimate at the time of placing the order, should there be a shortfall upon generation of invoice, you undertake to pay the shortfall through any of the payment modes made available to you by us. In case the payment made by you basis the price estimate at the time of placing the order is more than the price as per the generated invoice, the excess payment will be refunded back to you in your bank account, credit card, debit card or wallet which may have been used by you at the time of making the payment.
  9. In order to provide better services, Alphonic India Private limited offers express delivery services to its Users, wherein the User select to specified time for express delivery of the order. User can also have the order delivered at his convenience by choosing the fixed time for delivery. User will be charged a convenience fees for delivering the order at their convenience. User shall select the option at the time of placing the order or request for EDS by contacting the customer care. To avail the EDS, the User shall agree to pay additional delivery charge. The service fees for EDS shall vary from city to city based on the date, time and area of delivery. User will be intimated in advance regarding the deliver charges and Users shall check the availability of the services in the area where the User intends to take the delivery of medicines before availing the services. EDS services are available only in selected areas for deliveries during 0800 hours to 2000 hours on all working days in the area, subject to payment of additional delivery charges. Any deliveries scheduled on holiday and non-working hours shall be at additional charges at the sole discretion of Alphonic India Private limited, which will be communicated to the user in advance. Alphonic India Private limited may at its sole discretion accept EDS in few areas on Sundays and national holidays. User cannot modify or alter the delivery time and area after acceptance of the order. Service fees paid shall not be refundable after the order is dispatched for delivery. Alphonic India Private limited reserve the right to discontinue or suspend the EDS at any time without any notice, Alphonic India Private limited shall not be liable for any delay or default in not delivering the orders within the specified time.
  10. You should check the items dispensed to you carefully promptly upon receipt. If you believe there may have been a dispensing error, you should contact us immediately and should not take or use any of the items.
  11. Prescription medicines will require a doorstep signature. Prescription items can only be dispensed once we have received your original paper prescription or online prescription from Alphonic India Private limited registered doctor. All items are delivered to the address provided by you in your registration or to an alternative address if directed by you. You acknowledge and accept that items will need to be signed for on delivery and authorize any person at your chosen delivery address to sign for the items as your authorized representative. In the event that the packaging is opened after delivery, we will have no liability to you for lost or damaged items or for what third parties find out about you as a result.
    1. Any delivery charges paid by the customer for any modified/cancelled/un-delivery order shall be eligible for full refund of the delivery changes provided the customer has made advance payment for the said order.
    2. Delivery charges shall be refunded in full if any other that us delivered and becomes eligible for refund, subject to terms and conditions.
    3. Any delivery charges paid by the customer shall not be eligible for refund of the order is modified or replaced by the customer due to change in prescription or otherwise.
    4. During order delivery, Alphonic India Private limited’s delivery team requests every customer to verify the contents and provide an acknowledgement confirming the correctness and completeness of the order.
    5. Once the order is verified and acknowledged by the customer, the order in full or part cannot be returned unless there is a defect in the delivered order which is highly unlikely.
    6. Refunds will be processed only for defective and incorrect deliveries.
    7. All returns and refunds will happen in proportion to the products refunded. In case there are part items qualifying for returns and refunds, it is always processed for the full order and invoice. We will not process partial delivery or returns.
  1. We request you to verify the complete details and the documents provided to you at before acceptance of the Goods. Any complaints with regard to shortage of Goods, defects or otherwise will not be entertained by Alphonic India Private limited once the same are accepted at the time of delivery.
  2. You must check all items dispensed to you and should not take any medication that appears to have been tampered with or which may have been dispensed in error. failure to abide by this warning could seriously damage your health and alphonic india private limited shall not be held liable.
  3. Certain laws in Noida prohibit and impose restriction on use of the Website and you are advised to make familiar with those laws and not to post any information or messages that are, or that may be construed, as being malicious , defamatory, inappropriate, slanderous, pornographic or otherwise sexually oriented or that makes attacks on or the otherwise opines or comments on any individuals or groups of individuals, educational institutions or any other entities whatsoever (whether companies, firms, or any other institutions). You also agree not to post any information to which you do not have copyrights or other appropriate permissions to post in public forum. Your failure to comply with these terms may result in removal of your postings without prior notice to User. The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.
  4. All retail pharmacy partnered with Alphonic India Private limited must maintain a healthy and hygienic environment in his/her pharmacy according to Noida law and quality of the medicine should be at his/her disposal. In no circumstance’s agents allowed to keep expired medicine to his inventory. If any government officials inspect the agent’s pharmacy and finds any noncompliance or anything that seems contradictory according to Noida law, Alphonic India Private limited will not be liable for any of those noncompliance and inspector may take appropriate action according to Noida law against the pharmacy. Upon noticing the noncompliance Alphonic India Private limited board will decide whether to continue franchise partnership with convicted agents or not. Alphonic India Private limited hereby makes it clear, it’s the sole responsibility of the pharmacy to maintain a sound environment in his pharmacy. Alphonic India Private limited just provides a digital platform to process the order and works as a carrier between buyer and seller. In no circumstances, Alphonic India Private limited can be deemed as a seller of medicines, Alphonic India Private limited is just a digital platform provider and works as a delivery service between pharmacy and consumers.
  5. Certain laws require to maintain data with respect to the services, Goods and other personal information in a prescribed format and Alphonic India Private limited will use all the information to the extent required in compliance with the applicable laws and as may be directed or amended from time to time.
  6. Alphonic India Private limited shall not be liable and to the extent, that the performance or delay in performance of any of its obligations are prevented, restricted, delayed or interfered with due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of such Party, including but not limited to change in legislation, fire, flood, explosion, epidemic, accident, act of God, war, riot, strike, lockout, traffic or other concerted act of workmen and/or act of Government. Alphonic India Private limited may at its sole discretion withdraw the services or Goods if a Force Majeure event occurs.
  7. The Terms of Use are governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of Noida, without reference to conflict of laws principles and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Noida, India.
  8. By Clicking on the "I have read and accept the terms and conditions" box at the bottom of the Registration Form, You indicate your acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions and you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions set forth below including any additional guidelines and future modifications. If at any time you do not agree to these terms and conditions or you wish terminate your registration as an Affiliate, you may not access or use the information and notify your intention to block your registration.
  9. The referred friend should be a new customer and not an existing or returning customer of Alphonic India Private limited. The referred friend must place a valid order using the referral code to avail referral discount on their 1st order and the order should be successfully delivered and not be cancelled or returned. Referral reward coupon shall be credited to the User's account after successful delivery of the referred friend's order.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, these terms are in addition to and not in derogation to any other terms as stipulated by Alphonic India Private limited from time to time. Alphonic India Private limited reserves the right in its sole discretion at any time, without any prior notice to suspend / cancel this program or amend these terms.